Who We Are
The American Engagement Project (AEP) is an organization of patriotic Americans from all walks of life and political persuasions who cherish, appreciate, and embrace freedom, liberty and democracy, and simply--LOVE AMERICA. Our members understand and take seriously, the historical and persistent threats tyrannical forces pose to our Republic.
We are a non-partisan organization of ENGAGED Americans, committed to maintaining political, situational awareness to guard against any incursion on our individual freedoms and liberties. Whether it be on the local, regional, national, or global level, our members are prepared to politically engage, take peaceful action, and defend against any threat to the Constitutional rights endowed by our Creator.

Our mission
To be a force-in-readiness with the ability to activate, mobilize and deploy AEP's action network, with the express purpose of holding the government, its institutions, and our elected officials accountable using the constitutionally LAWFUL and PEACEFUL means defined within our Bill of Rights.

"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." - Thomas Paine
What We Believe
Freedom, liberty and the American way of life must be nurtured and protected if it is to persevere. We believe that in order to maintain a truly free America, eternal vigilance must be paid by all of her citizens to guard against any entity—foreign or domestic—which seeks to transform the United States through the implementation of an authoritative, totalitarian or socialist system of government.

Our objective
To BUILD a coalition of informed and engaged Americans, and a network of affiliated and allied organizations; with the specific mission of preserving, maintaining, and protecting the individual freedoms, liberties, and rights codified in the United States Constitution.
Get engaged, America.
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